Okay. Big THANK YOUS to Kara for getting me out of my, "What's the point? I'm not getting anywhere with this. As usual." mindset. Maybe I haven't gotten anywhere YET...but giving up will ensure I never do.
And with this renewed committment, I guess I must go step on that blasted scale and see what I did to myself over the holidays. I'd say it was time for the drum roll, but those are only for good news, aren't they?
Hmmm. Not sure how this happened. But it seems I actually lost three pounds. Probably scale error. Anyway, that means I begin anew at 221 pounds.
The question is what do I do now. The vague "make healthier choices" thing and the vague "cut down on portion sizes" thing and the vague "get more exercise" thing...well, none of those seem to work at all with me. And yet I seem to rebel against stringent rules, and end up binging after a few days of compliance. *sigh*
I've been learning with my daily exercise of looking at the good stuff in my life that I respond well to positive reinforcement. Just the simple act of noticing the "good" lifts my mood and has led to far fewer "breakdowns" the last few weeks. Hmmmm...could that be where those three pounds went...I am a reaction-to-stress eater (along with many other kinds of eaters!). Anyway, I'm getting off-track here. I've decided to see if I can make a difference in my eating habits with that same sort of positive reinforcement. So instead of focusing solely on how I screw up all the time, I'm going to come here and list those times I do actually make a good choice. Not that I won't have my "I blew it so bad...I'm such a freakin' loser...I'm never going to lose this weight" posts, of course. I don't think denying myself those would ultimately be healthy. But I am hoping like hell that over the weeks I'll find my list of good choices grow longer.
Second thing, we've been looking for a Gazelle Edge. Haven't found one in the stores yet, but have a few more places to try. If we can't find one, we'll order it on-line. I've long wanted a treadmill or something, but our house is just so dang small that there really is nowhere to put something big like that. This puppy looks like it folds up nicely. With the added bonus of not being so bad on my pathetic knees. I know it's not like a full gym workout or getting out there jogging or anything like that. But it may just be something I can stick to...and actually doing something small is far better than wishing I could make myself do something big.
Hopefully I'll be back this evening with a list of good choices I managed to make today. Oh, who the hell am I kidding...a list--HA! Yeah, I'll be happy if I'm back with one good choice I made today.
Some days are better than others
14 years ago
A three pound loss over the holidays! Awesome! I guess it just goes to show that focusing on the positive really is a healthy habit, huh? I am looking forward to reading your good stuff posts here...each good choice is really something to celebrate and I am so glad I have you around to remind me of that!
ReplyDeleteI will be interested to hear how you like the Gazelle. We got rid of our treadmill a few years ago and I am constantly toying withe the idea of getting something new. But for now I got the Biggest Loser for the Wii...I sure you were here to come over for a cup of coffee and a Wii Biggest Loser challenge!
And, yeah...I guess I had found the link since it was posted on my blog sidebar! All of this diet stuff makes my brain mushy! Or that is the excuse I am sticking to anyway!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear you're not giving up. I'll email you back soon, and dont' feel bad, okay?
ReplyDeleteAll I've been doing the last 6 weeks is only eating when I'm hungry. I've been bad the last week (and my weight loss pattern I talked about the other day has completely stopped - I knew i shouldn't have jinxed myself!), but mostly I've been trying to eat only when I'm actually physically hungry, and then stopping when I'm no longer hungry. So simple, nothing cut out of the diet or anything, just hungry = food, not hungry = no food. And my body has learned then to pick better foods. Naturally. With no stress or promptings from me. I like that.
I haven't lost much, only about 7 or 8 lbs since Thanksgiving, but I'll take it!
I just finished a book that you might like. It is called The One Day Way by Chantel Hobbs.
ReplyDeleteSomeday, we're going to have to breakdown and get a Wii...I think that actually sounds like a fun way to exercise! Of course, as soon as you attach the word "exercise" to anything, it automatically sounds a little less fun. ;)
I think losing 7 or 8 eight pounds since Thanksgiving sounds fantastic! That's at least a pound a week. I'll be happy if I can ever reach that.
I know that I must learn to eat like that: hungry = food. I am such an emotional eater. And on top of that, I just freakin' LOVE food...so I have a real tendency to not stop when I'm no longer hungry. Definitely one of the big issues I need to work on.
Thank you...I'll look it up.